“There’s every reason to make today a good day for each and every one of our individual residents.”
This has become our principle over time. We hope that you’ll agree that life is to be lived. Whatever your age, your disposition, your support needs, however confused you might be, our aim each day is to make it a wonderful day for you. It’s what makes us tick and it’s what makes the ‘job’ so rewarding.
You’ll find our approach to be holistic, concerned for body, mind and spirit. Whether you have a faith or not, and whatever form that faith takes, you’ll find our chaplain, a wonderful, gentle, compassionate and attentive listener – a genuine companion who has a talent for coming alongside people in a supportive manner.
As well as being on a journey of continuous improvement with our care team, Heathfield also has a passion for discovering and embracing new innovations and technology that are designed to enhance the lives of elderly people. For many years we’ve been research partners with Lancaster University – and other universities – exploring and applying technology for enhanced living in later years.
You’ll find that we don’t rest on our laurels at Heathfield!

Support for Mind, Body & Spirit
We look at the whole person, and tailor our care around their individual needs.

Making a Difference to a Life
Our aim is to make a resident’s time at Heathfield a happy and important chapter in their lives.

Life is to be Lived to the Full
Even if you’re old, you can still have fun! We maintain a full range of stimulating activities, including walks, trips and entertainers.

Focus on the Family
We encourage the residents to have as much contact as possible with their families and friends. You can visit Heathfield residents at any time, without appointment.